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How to Create a Fail Proof Online Course

How to Create a Fail Proof Online Course

If you're here it's because you want to share your expertise with the online world and create a profitable course. So, how do you know if your course is actually going to sell? Well my friend, creating an online course is about determining what type of transformative...

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10 Common Mistakes To Avoid As A New Entrepreneur

10 Common Mistakes To Avoid As A New Entrepreneur

Ok my aspiring entrepreneur, let's have a heart-to-heart. Starting your own business can be an exhilarating journey filled with excitement and endless possibilities, but it's vital to understand the work and time that is involved. And sadly, many entrepreneurs dive in...

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Hey, I'm Christina

I’m a former corporate world professional turned work from home entrepreneur who loves helping others discover the power of using their skills to create a life without trading time for money.