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10 Common Mistakes To Avoid As A New Entrepreneur

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Ok my aspiring entrepreneur, let’s have a heart-to-heart. Starting your own business can be an exhilarating journey filled with excitement and endless possibilities, but it’s vital to understand the work and time that is involved. And sadly, many entrepreneurs dive in without doing proper research resulting in them feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

So, my friend, let’s begin with a question:

Are you truly ready to embark on this entrepreneurial adventure? Do you possess the mindset and dedication to invest the necessary time for success? And most importantly, are you prepared to take bold, decisive action?

If your answer it yes, then I am so excited for you! And avoiding these common mistakes will be even more sweeter and beneficial for you growing business.

Now in the beginning, you’ll wear numerous hats—CEO, general manager, accountant, salesperson, and more. Mentally prepare yourself, for there will be days of disappointment, frustration, and even sadness. Remember, success doesn’t manifest overnight; it may take a year or two to achieve your desired goals.

To prevent disappointment and gain invaluable knowledge before investing significant time, let’s explore the 10 most common mistakes new business owners make and how to avoid them.



Not Focusing on a Niche

First, let’s talk about the importance of researching your niche. Countless entrepreneurs fail because they pursue businesses solely for the promise of financial gain, rather than genuine passion. It’s crucial to embark on something you truly love, as it will demand a considerable amount of your time. And now more than ever having a specific target audience (a niche or mini-niche) is  extremely important to the success business.

Your assignment: Dedicate ample time to crafting a comprehensive business plan focusing on who you want to help. Define your mission statement, business strategy, conduct thorough research on your ideal client, and develop a solid marketing plan centered around them. 

Not Determining the Value of Your Offer

Next, it’s important to determine the value your product or service brings to the table. Sustainable businesses stand the test of time by fulfilling a need or providing a valuable service. Keeping your ideal client in mind and always putting their needs first.

Your assignment: Ensure your products or services deliver tangible value and address the needs of your clients. Make sure your solution is a transformative experience and provides results. In return, your offer will become valuable to the clients looking for the solution to their problem – allowing you to charge a worthy price.

Not Getting a Complete Understanding Of Business

To thrive, you must possess a complete understanding of your business, including its key drivers and levers. Attention to detail plays a pivotal role in success. If you are confused about what you business intels so will your potential clients.

Your assignment: Dive deep into every aspect of your business. Articulate your knowledge in a simple, straightforward manner. Keep it simple and it will be easier on you and clear for your ideal clients.

Unable to Clearly Describe What You Do

Just like understanding your business, being able to clearly articulate what you do is just as important. Can you describe your business in a concise, compelling manner? Don’t fall into the trap of technical jargon or lengthy explanations – that will only leave your clients confused. Focus on communicating the value and benefits your business offers in simple easy to understand language.

Your assignment: Develop an efficient elevator pitch that introduces yourself, highlights your business mission, emphasizes the benefits you provide, and leaves a lasting impression. Practice and get feedback to ensure you are communicating what you do crystal clear.

work from home routine

Not Doing Your Research

Now, let’s talk market research. While great ideas come a dime a dozen these days, it’s crucial to ensure your business venture can attract customers and generate sales and profits. A fantastic idea alone is insufficient to launch a business.

Your assignment: Gain practical experience by requesting for case studies to trying it out, make corrections when needed and reevaluate the direction your business is going if it’s falling flat. 

Not Getting Expert Help

Seeking advice from well-meaning friends and family may seem comforting, but it’s vital to consult with experts who possess relevant experience and knowledge.

Your assignment: Seek out mentors and professionals who complement your strengths and cover your weaknesses. Surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who can guide you on your journey.

Underestimating Financial Obligations

Underestimating the financial obligations is a common pitfall. Do you have a clear understanding of the amount needed to start your business? Have you projected your costs, sales, and the number of clients required? How long before you reap the benefits or risk running out of funds? While starting a business doesn’t require a significant amount of money (thanks to the internet), there is still a cost. It’s important to avoid falling into traps of spending unnecessarily but also not penny pinching on the essentials.

Your assignment: Invest the necessary time to comprehensively plan every aspect of your business before taking the leap. And commit to staying within your budget and investing as your grow to avoid running out of captial.

Not Making Marketing a Priority

Let’s not forget the power of marketing. Many entrepreneurs fail to identify their target market, niche, and demographics, resulting in a failure to attract clients. Other the other hand there are those that don’t spend time marketing at all which is even more detrimental. Prioritize marketing as a top priority to promote your products or services effectively.

Your assignment: Devote significant time and energy to crafting and implementing a robust marketing plan. Make it a weekly ritual to work on your marketing strategy without fail; it’s essential for your business.


Not Focusing On Your Business

Focusing on multiple things at one time and going in different directions simultaneously often leads to mediocre results and devalues what you are an expert in. Define your business mission with precision. Strive for focused on a specific niche and offers that complement one another. Have a clear value ladder that increases with every step and takes your clients on a journey to more results. Stay focused on your mission always and let that be the driver for showing up in your business everyday.

Your assignment: Set realistic, specific, and measurable goals. Put them in writing and establish deadlines for achieving them.


Not Following Up With Clients

Lastly, never underestimate the power of client follow-up. Neglecting existing clients in the pursuit of new ones can be detrimental. It takes seven interactions to secure a new client, compared to selling additional services to an existing one.

Your assignment: Cultivate strong relationships with your current clients. Implement a well-organized follow-up system to offer new services and maintain their loyalty.

Looking for support and inspiration for your work-from-home business? Explore my Freebies and find out more about my group coaching program for ongoing support and live training each month to help you on your work from home lifestyle journey. Together, we’ll soar to new heights!

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I´m Christina

I’m a designer and business coach who loves supporting others on their journey to creating the work from home lifestyle they want to live.


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