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How to Create a Course Member Welcome Sequence in Kajabi

Course Creation | 0 comments

Hey there, lovely course creators! I’m thrilled to dive into a topic that’s going to change the trajectery of your course completion rate: creating a member welcome sequence that not only dazzles but sets the stage for an unforgettable course experience. After all, first impressions matter, right?

Let’s take a journey through the art of crafting an awe-inspiring welcome sequence and explore how it can truly elevate your member’s journey.


Why the Welcome Sequence Matters

Before we jump into the “how,” let’s understand the “why.” A welcome sequence isn’t just a polite nod to new members. It’s your grand entrance, your digital red carpet, and the foundation of a remarkable member experience. It sets the tone, builds trust, and creates anticipation.


Step 1: Know Your Audience Inside-Out

The journey begins with understanding your audience. Take the time to create detailed member personas. What are their pain points, aspirations, and learning preferences? Delve deep. This knowledge will be your compass throughout the sequence.


Step 2: Deliver a Heartfelt Welcome

Start with a warm welcome message. Let your members know how excited you are to have them on board. Personalize this message, and make it genuine. Share a bit about yourself, your mission, and what they can expect.


Step 3: Outline the Journey Ahead

Set clear expectations. What’s the roadmap? Outline the topics, milestones, or modules they’ll encounter. Keep it succinct, so it’s easy to digest.


Step 4: Drip vs. Instant Access

Here’s where you’ll make a strategic choice: to drip content or grant instant access. Dripping content keeps members engaged over time, while instant access offers flexibility. Your choice depends on your audience and course style.


Step 5: Interactive Elements

Inject life into your welcome sequence with interactivity. Polls, quizzes, or discussion boards can be wonderful icebreakers and engagement boosters.


Step 6: Storytelling and Content Delivery

Tell stories that resonate with your members. Share your own journey or success stories related to the course content. Storytelling humanizes your brand and makes you relatable.


Step 7: Overdeliver Value

The best welcome sequences overdeliver on value. Surprise your members with bonus content, resource guides, or mini-challenges. Let them know they’re in for more than they anticipated.


Step 8: Encourage Social Interaction

Leverage your community. Encourage members to connect on social platforms or in your course community. Networking builds a strong foundation for a supportive and dynamic learning environment.


Step 9: Communicate Accessibility

Address how members can reach out for help or technical support. Make it clear that their experience matters, and you’re here to assist.


Step 10: Test, Adjust, and Iterate

Once your sequence is up and running, monitor its performance. Pay attention to open rates, engagement, and feedback. Be ready to tweak and refine based on the data.


Enhancing the Member Experience

Your welcome sequence isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s the beginning of a beautiful relationship with your members. Here are a few additional tips to keep the momentum going:

  • Stay Engaged: Continue to engage with your members during the course. Be present in discussions, answer questions, and provide regular updates.
  • Feedback Loops: Create feedback loops where members can voice their opinions, report issues, and share their learning experiences.
  • Celebrate Success: Acknowledge your members’ achievements. Celebrate milestones and highlight success stories within your community.
  • Foster a Sense of Community: Keep your community vibrant by organizing regular challenges, events, or expert Q&A sessions.

Remember, the member experience extends beyond your course content. It’s the relationships, the insights, and the support that create an unforgettable journey.

Want to embark on the path of crafting an exceptional welcome sequences and setting the stage for member success? Join me inside the Course Automation Accelerator. Together, we’ll create a learning experience that’s truly unforgettable and saves you an enormous amount of time in your course business. Until next time!

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I´m Christina

I’m a designer and business coach who loves supporting others on their journey to creating the work from home lifestyle they want to live.


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