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10 Essential Tips for a Productive Work from Home Routine

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Welcome, friend, to the magical world of working from home! Picture this: a delightful medley of cozy pants, endless coffee, and the liberating freedom to dance like nobody’s watching during your lunch break. Believe me, I’ve mastered the art of rocking the work-from-home routine, and today I am bursting with excitement to spill my 10 essential tips for reacting a productive work from home routine.


Clarity & Intention Working From Home

Let’s start with a dose of clarity and intention. Say hello to clear goals and priorities, my friend! Grab a gorgeous notebook or open up your favorite goal-tracking app, and let those dreams and victories flow onto the pages. Having crystal-clear goals and priorities will guide you towards success, even on the most challenging days, and keep that fire within you burning bright. Begin everyday on purpose and ready to accomplish what you set out to for the day.


Creating An Oasis

Oh, and honey, let’s not forget about creating your very own work oasis! It’s time to transform that chaotic pile of laundry on your desk into a sanctuary of creativity and productivity. Find a spot in your cozy abode that speaks to your soul, whether it’s a charming nook by the window or a sunlit corner of your living room. Let your workspace radiate with inspiration, so you can feel like the unstoppable CEO that you truly are. Keep what you need right at your fingertips and sprinkle reminders of your “why” so you are constantly reminded why you showed up for work.


create an work from home oasis

Create a Schedule

Now, close your eyes and imagine this: you, my friend, are a superhero with an extraordinary routine. It’s time to craft a work schedule that dances harmoniously with your energy levels and personal preferences. Whether you thrive in the early morning rays or unleash your magic under the moonlight, consistency will be your secret weapon for staying on track and maintaining a blissful work-life balance. Create a work schedule and commit to it and watch your productivity level soar.


Dress to Impress

Ok, don’t underestimate the power of dressing for success! Who says you can’t rock that power suit while sipping coffee at your kitchen table? Embrace the magic of dressing up (or at least slipping into cute lounge wear) because it’s a proven confidence booster. So, my love, put on that favorite cozy and cute outfit, swipe on some luscious lip gloss, and conquer your to-do list with a radiant smile.

Minus Distractions

Now, let’s talk about those sneaky distractions that lurk in the corners of our cozy homes. From Netflix marathons to the enchanting call of the snack cupboard to the kids running up and down the hallway – thedistractions are real. But fear not, my friend, for you hold the key to a Zen-like workspace. Silence that phone, close those unnecessary browser tabs, and resist the urge to organize your sock drawer during precious work hours (I see you). Even with children you can create a routine around them that allows you to work when they are not on 10, so you can get things done – take it from a mom of 4 (with a little work, it’s possible).


But wait, my sweet friend, make sure to pause and breathe. You are a human being, not a robot! Embrace the art of taking regular breaks, for they are the secret elixir that replenishes your creative soul. Stretch those limbs, dance to your favorite tunes, or take a leisurely stroll around your blissful surroundings. These little moments of rejuvenation will keep your creative energy flowing like a mighty river.

Take Care of You

Finally, one of the most important ingredient in this beautiful journey—you. My friend, you deserve to be pampered like the royalty you are. Schedule self-care as if it were a luxurious VIP appointment on your calendar. Treat yourself to a soul-nourishing morning yoga session, savor a delectable and nutritious lunch, or indulge in a sumptuous bubble bath at the end of a long day. Remember, my love, nurturing yourself is the ultimate fuel for unleashing your productivity and basking in pure joy.

Are you ready to create balance in your business, reclaim your precious time, and find peace of mind? Discover how you can book a business audit with me, and together we’ll embark on a journey towards true alignment and abundance. You’ve got this, I believe in you!

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I´m Christina

I’m a designer and business coach who loves supporting others on their journey to creating the work from home lifestyle they want to live.


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